Thursday, December 2, 2010

This city is full of surprises

I went to work today just like any other Thursday. Real Simple coordinated what they're calling a "Pop-Up Shop" in Rockefeller center. The store opened yesterday on 49th street right across the street from the gorgeous Norway Spruce Christmas tree at Rockefeller center. I'd planned on going to the shop today with a coworker and fellow NYU alum, but she got too busy so I went by myself. Since Kodak and L'oreal are co-sponsors of this shop, on my lunch hour I got a free makeover and I got to sit on Santa's lap and have my photo taken, all for free. I also looked around at all of the goodies they had for sale and received a free gift bag full of goodies.

Thursday's are usually pretty slow, but with the trip to the Real Simple shop and taking things slow, I was able to stretch my work out to fill the day. Ashley had an interview at Time today she came by my "office" at 5 and I got to show her around, she got to see what I do and I took her upstairs to our art department where another NYU alum works that we both know. It was nice to show someone my workplace.

A few weeks back I signed up for the Time Inc./HBO volleyball league. I haven't been able to attend any games thus far due to my late schedule, but tonight our game was at 8:30 and I was able to go. I braved the cold for a 4 block walk and made it in time. The teams are co-ed and we ended up winning one match and losing the remaining two. Afterwards, HBO sponsored a little holiday party at a bar close by with free appetizers and beers. It was nice to mingle and eat and drink for free, but I never thought I'd be caught dead in a bar in my sweatpants, especially in New York City, but I wasn't the only one.

Since my commute in and out of the city everyday can take anywhere from 30-45 minutes, I've become a much more avid reader. At the moment my roommates and I are consumed in a Nora Roberts series that involves 4 best friends that run a wedding business. The series is called the Bridal Quartet and we are all hooked. I'm almost through with the second book and can't wait to start the third. I never thought I'd actually look forward to reading. If you have any suggestions for books you think I'd enjoy, please leave a comment!


  1. NYGal,

    Hope all is well in NYC. You have been through quite the lifestyle changes in the past 6 years. I am a little upset with you because I heard you tripped it Ferebee's after Thanksgiving without telling me to meet you there. Regardless, lets not let that happen over Christmas. You asked for a book recommendation and I would have to go with Russell Brand's new book (British guy from Sarah Marshall) Booky Wook: This Time It's Personal- very clever. Its really the only book I have read outside of school, and I didnt get to read his first one. Its final time so I am cracked out on aderall at 6am, ready to be done. See you soon

    VA/TX Boy

  2. Lisa said the same thing about the Nora Roberts series. I'm going to have to read it! I was NEVER a read-for-fun type of gal until I read the Twilight Saga and I've been dying for a good recommendation. I think I'll check it out. I'm glad the city is treating you ladies well.

  3. Nice little Thursday surprise indeed! :)

    I can't wait to get started on Book 2 in the Bride Quartet!
